Vociferous is an adjective which can be defined as an expressing opinions or feelings in loud and confident way

Fille is actually a French word mean a girl.

I take this blog as a medium for me to share my opinions or knowledge with other people. Feel free to read and have a blast! ;)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tutorial Webby :D

Assalamualaikum and Heyyyy!

Anw, hari ni Nina nak bagi tau kat mana nak cari tutorial. Basically macam hari tu Nina cerita kat entri lepas Nina edit belog selama ni memang bantuan daripada blogger lain yang rajin gilaa buat tutorial. Act, you can find it randomly. Type kat google Tutorial Edit Blog, sumpah banyak gila web. You just need basic skills which is you must know how to real HTML code. Dah pandai, everything is on yr fingertips. Trust me! Kalau tk pandai belajar. Kita jangan takut buat salah okayy?

The latest Nina ikut tutorial dekat belog Amalina Land nih, 
before this nina suka Hana Fauzan punya. But then dia dah closed blog dia hehe

Blog Wan pun banyak gilaa tuto. 

Ni la dua suggestion blog yang Nina bagi. Visit taw jangan tk visit. Anw, jangan takut buat salah. Tekan jee. Okayy, selamat mencuba! <3