Vociferous is an adjective which can be defined as an expressing opinions or feelings in loud and confident way

Fille is actually a French word mean a girl.

I take this blog as a medium for me to share my opinions or knowledge with other people. Feel free to read and have a blast! ;)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Yeah, currently rinduu my old buddies. Rindu maisarah, balqies, aina, salmah, hani, nurul,  teha, hajar, arin, terbang, semualahh. Rinduu jugakk dengan my beloved cousin yang havoc Nadooooo ;) and of course dekat Encik Farhan. Ni semua manusia yang tak jumpa berbulan bulan, ingat kat Nina ke tak dorang ni taww. ummm >.<

And the last person that I miss the most is Tok Mah. Dah sebulan dah dia tinggalkan Nina. But I still thought you're still alive and Nina masih lagi menangis bila ingat dia.

1 comment:

Teha Sayang said...

Ninaa sorry tk dapat pegi . Teha cuba nk pegi tapi tk sempat . Semalam teha balik ruma dah pukul 7 malam . Haih , sedihnya tk dpat jumpa korang )';